#Westayathome, but work goes on
Developments due to Covid-19 are fast and unpredictable and their repercussions uncertain. In order to adapt as best as possible to the new situation we need reliable data more than ever. MindTake has been a digital-first company since its founding 20 years ago – also in this difficult moment we continue our mission to always provide our clients with the best, newest data, as well as trend analysis. As many of us are now working remotely or spending their free time at home, we are all living increasingly digitally – shopping, communicating, entertainment and studying are now taking place within the virtual space. To track and understand this shift, we at MindTake have started conducting weekly internal studies in order to continuously monitor the new (digital) in-home usage habits and adapted consumer behavior. We will publish this information in extracts in our newsletter at regular intervals.
We have already also changed all our focus groups and personal in-depth interviews procedures – focus groups, individual moderations and communities will be moderated online, while video interviews as well as in-depth interviews via telephone, will be offered. Our online survey and online behavioral tracking services will continue as usual.
Best regards from our home offices – stay healthy!